Abdul Ali Bangash

Abdul Ali Bangash (Ali)

Postdoctoral Fellow

Queen's University, ON, Canada

About Me

I am currently serving as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the SAIL lab at Queen’s University, Canada. I am privileged to be one of the six selected candidates who have been awarded the esteemed “Vice-Principal Research (VPR) Postdoctoral Fund” at Queen’s University. I completed my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Alberta, Canada, in June 2023. As a researcher in Software Engineering, my research focus lies in enhancing software processes and machine-learning methods through techniques such as mining software repositories, search-based software engineering, static analysis, and energy optimization.


Ph.D. in Computing Science
2018 - 2023 · University of Alberta, AB, Canada
Maters in Software Engineering
2015 - 2017 · National University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Thesis: A Methodology to Relate Object-oriented Structure with Energy Consumption.
B.S. in Computer Science
2010 - 2014 · National University, Islamabad, Pakistan


Journal Articles

2024. Hareem Sahar, Abdul A . Bangash, Denilson Barbosa, Abram Hindle. IRJIT: A Simple, Online, Information Retrieval Approach for Just-in-time Software Defect Prediction. Journal of Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE’24).

2024. Zhimin Zhao, Yihao Chen, Abdul A . Bangash, Bram Adams, Ahmed E. Hassan. An Empirical Study of Challenges in Machine Learning Asset Management. Journal of Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE’24).

2020. Abdul A . Bangash, Hareem Sahar, Abram Hindle, Karim Ali. On the Time-Based Conclusion Stability of Cross-Project Defect Prediction Models. Journal of Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE’20).

2019. Hareem Sahar, Abdul A . Bangash, and Mirza O. Beg. Towards energy aware object-oriented development of android applications. Journal of Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM'19).


2023. Abdul A. Bangash, Karim Ali, and Abram Hindle. Energy Consumption Estimation of API-usage in Smartphone Apps via Static Analysis. 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR Technical-23).

2023. Anisha Islam, Nipuni Tharushika, Abdul A. Bangash, and Abram Hindle. Evolution of the Practice of Software Testing in Java Projects. 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR Challenge-23).

2023. Weijie Sun, Samuel Iwuchukwu, Abdul A. Bangash, and Abram Hindle. An Empirical Study to Investigate Collaboration Among Developers in Open Source Software (OSS). 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR Challenge-23).

2022. Abdul A. Bangash, Karim Ali, and Abram Hindle. A Black Box Technique to Reduce Energy Consumption of Android Apps. In New Ideas and Emerging Results, Short Paper, (ICSE NIER-22).

2021. Abdul A . Bangash, Hareem Sahar, Abram Hindle, Karim Ali. On the Time-Based Conclusion Stability of Cross-Project Defect Prediction Models. 43rd International Conference in Software Engineering, Journal-First Track, (ICSE Journal First-21).

2021. Abdul A. Bangash, Daniil Tiganov, Abram Hindle, and Karim Ali. Energy Efficient Guidelines for iOS Core Location Framework. 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Full Paper, (ICSME Technical--21).

2019. Abdul A. Bangash, Hareem Sahar, S Chowdhury, A William Wong, Abram Hindle, and Karim Ali. What do developers know about machine learning: a study of ML discussions on StackOverflow. 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Short Paper, (MSR Challenge-19).

2017. Abdul A. Bangash, Hareem Sahar, and Mirza O. Beg. A Methodology for Relating Software Structure with Energy Consumption. IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, Full Paper, (ICSME-SCAM Technical-17).

2017. Hamza M. Alvi, Hareem Sahar, Abdul A. Bangash, and Mirza O. Beg. EnSights: A tool for energy aware software development. 13th International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Short Paper, (ICET Tool-17).